On February 19 between 05:00 and 08:00 UTC, we will be performing scheduled maintenance. All games will continue without interruption, but our websites will be temporarily unavailable.

Métodos de prueba de equidad y RNG

A usual concern amongst most first time online players is the issue of fairness and how the casino is able to provide a truly fair gaming environment. RedStar Casino guarantees fair play at all times, through the use of a certified and audited Random Number Generator (RNG). This industry-standard system ensures consistently random results and has been extensively tested by analyzing and running millions of different game rounds.

Creating a fair and quality gaming experience for our players is our highest priority at RedStar Casino.

Playtech Software Limited submitted the required materials to GLI in order to conduct a random number generator analysis on the “Playtech Poker and Casino RNG”. The scope of this analysis was limited to software verification, source code review, and data analysis. The RNG was tested for its ability to randomly produce outcomes for the Poker and Casino games.

The “Playtech Poker and Casino RNG” was evaluated against the RNG-specific requirements of the following technical standards:

AGCC - Alderney - Technical Standards and Guidelines for Internal Control Systems and Internet Gambling Systems Version 4.2

GLI-19 - Interactive Gaming Systems V2.0

Malta Online - L.N. 243 of 2018 - GAMING ACT (CAP. 583) Gaming Authorisations Regulations, 2018. Remote Gaming Regulations (SUBSIDIARY LEGISLATION 438.04), Third Schedule – Technical Requirements for Gaming System. LEGAL NOTICE 176 of 2004, as amended by Legal Notices 110 of 2006, 270 and 426 of 2007, 90 of 2011 and 131 of 2016.

UK Remote - Remote Gambling and Software Technical Standards (June 2017). Testing Strategy for Compliance with Remote Gambling and Software Technical Standards November 2018.

The software being certified herein is a cryptographically strong RNG (CSRNG) without background cycling. CSRNGs do not need to implement background cycling to improve their unpredictability and resistance to attack. As a consequence, they meet and exceed the intent of traditional background cycling requirements, but through mechanisms other than background cycling itself.

Subject to the Conditions of Evaluation, GLI has determined that the product “Playtech Poker and Casino RNG” submitted by Playtech Software Limited complies with the requirements of the applicable Technical Standards.